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A stern, leather-clad female Martian with an English accent, brandishing a ray gun and accompanied by a huge menacing robot, has come to Earth in order to collect our planet’s males as breeding stock. As far as alien invasions go, the scenario could be a lot worse, right?
Directed by David MacDonald
Produced by Edward J. Danziger, Harry Lee Danziger
Written by James Eastwood, John C. Maher
Music by Edwin T. Astley
Cinematography: Jack Cox
Editing by Peter Taylor
Distributed by Danziger Productions
British Lion Films
Running time 76 min.
Hugh McDermott: Michael Carter
Hazel Court: Ellen Prestwick
Peter Reynolds: Robert Justin, alias Albert Simpson
Adrienne Corri: Doris
Joseph Tomelty: Prof. Arnold Hennessey
John Laurie: Mr. Jamieson
Sophie Stewart: Mrs. Jamieson
Anthony Richmond: Tommy
James Edmund: David (as James Edmond)
Stewart Hibberd: News Reader

A plane slices its way across the skies over Scotland sometime in the mid-20th Century. Inside the plane there are many people undertaking their own individual journeys toward unique destinations, unaware that from afar a bolt from Fate is about to intervene, cutting short their intended journeys in a shared destiny ending with their total annihilation.
The film, Devil Girl From Mars opens with a passenger plane being destroyed in mid-flight. We then move to an isolated inn, The Bonnie Charlie in the Scottish Highlands. On the radio, the BBC Home Service announces that a bright light (“unidentified white object”) that was seen the previous night was a meteor and that the noted astronomer, Prof Hennessy has gone to the area to look for the meteor.
Our day-to-day affairs are often conducted with false certainties and assumptions about what lies around the next corner, until what seems to be nothing more than a minor and insignificant event occurs, causing us to veer off the intended path we have set for ourselves with unexpected and far-reaching consequences for our lives.
Astronomer Professor Arnold Hennessy together with reporter, Michael Carter are in fact hopelessly lost on the moors while looking for a huge meteorite that was supposed to have landed in the vicinity. The two men give up the search, with Hennessy believing that the object is probably nothing more than an engine cowling. As “luck” would have it, both men decide to put in at the Jamiesons’ inn.
How easy it is for us to feel trapped by the very prisons of our own making. A wrong word, an ill-considered action and suddenly there is an unintended price to be paid. We may try to escape the consequences of our actions, only to find ourselves being trapped in yet another prison of our own making with even stronger bars to hold us in. Only by finding the right key via certain redeeming words and actions can there be any hope of us breaking free of our self-imposed bondage.
In the film, we learn that a certain inmate named Robert Justin (Albert Simpson) has escaped from jail and is considered to be dangerous. He soon turns up at the inn and explains to his ex-girlfriend, Doris that he escaped. Doris is prepared to help him as they obviously have had a romantic relationship. She introduces him as a stranger on a hiking tour who while looking at fish in a stream had managed to lose his wallet. Mrs Jamieson gives him lodgings in return for performing odd jobs. It turns out that Robert had been sent to jail for murdering his wife, despite it having been an accident as he claims. Doris cannot understand why he married this woman instead of her.
Justin’s fake identity ploy does not fool Carter who it turns out had conducted some reporting on Justin’s case. He recognizes the fugitive who is acting as their waiter during dinner. Just as Carter is about to tell the others what he knows, a huge spaceship flies low over the Inn sending everyone scrambling for cover. The alien craft bursts in on the scene in with blinding light and a deafening roar of motors.

While all this was happening, Justin has slipped away and Doris finds him an abandoned room to hide in. From this room, Justin witnesses a female figure emerge from the space craft and then spots a deformed worker from the Inn approaching the woman. The man is David and his appearance is something akin to an Igor—like character complete with limping gait. As he is seen as being “superfluous” and a “hopeless specimen” the alien unhesitatingly and mercilessly kills the worker in cold blood and then makes for the inn.
Meanwhile, Carter and Hennessy decide to try and reach a nearby village, but experience trouble starting their car. Having given up on the car, Hennessy and Cater return to the inn to find that Doris is strangely unresponsive and in a trace-like state.

Over the last few decades there has been a gradual shift and realignment in the relationship between the sexes. Slowly the barriers to gender equality are being removed with still some way to go. Meanwhile, men have had to redefine their roles with a lot of the certainties of the past having been swept away. Men are no longer considered to be the “bread winner.” That notion is going the way of the idea of man as being the hunter and provider. So, what does it really mean to be a man in the modern world? This can be a very uncomfortable question to consider. There has even been talk about there one day being no need for men considering the advances being made in reproductive and other technologies, along with a worrying long term decline in male fertility and sperm counts.
We are informed in the film, Devil Girl From Mars that many centuries ago, the emancipation of the women led to tensions between the male and female genders on Mars which then erupted into open warfare. The Martian women were victorious, but with the extermination of all but the weakest of the Martian males, the viability of their Martian society is in jeopardy due to the sexual impotence of their planet's male population resulting in a rapid decline in the birth-rate. The women of Mars therefore have decided to seek out worthier breeding stock from Earth. The city of London would have been an ideal location to provide such breeding stock, but the plan has had to be modified due to Nyah’s ship sustaining damage upon entry into Earth’s thicker atmosphere. It is evident that her spacecraft was the meteor that Hennessy was trying to locate, and that Nyah had caused the airplane to blow up in mid-air earlier on. While the self-replicating organic metal (an idea used in later sci-fi films) of Nyah’s vessel repairs the damage it sustained, Nyah decides to see which of the local males might be worthy of becoming Martian breeding stock – [OK fellas, put your hands down. No one called for volunteers. Only local male kilt-wearing Scots with big sporrans need apply for now!]
We need not go far to see what happens whenever there is clash of cultures and one of the cultures possesses superior advanced technology. The end result is that one civilisation attempts to convert the thinking, beliefs and way of life of the other civilisation. One civilisation may also want what the other has, whether it is human or natural resources and will take it by force if necessary. The need to exercise power, to assume control, to satisfy greed, to maintain self-preservation are powerful motivating forces and cannot be assumed to be tempered by a civilisation’s level of scientific and technological advancement. Once humanity ventures out into the universe and encounters other species, it is only right that any civilisations encountered should question our motives for being there and not just assume altruism and curiosity on our part. After all, our track record on just our own planet is not that great! This will need to be kept in mind when the day comes when an “alien” species comes to our planet (our home) and makes first contact with humanity.

Miss Prestwick, a model from London and according to Doris, a “real good looker” has apparently come to the local area in order to escape a relationship she has had with a married man. Doris wonders what “she’s doing in a place like this.” No matter how often she had run away in the past, this man always managed to find her. Well, it turns out that she has been “found” by Michael Carter, a man imprisoned by his own demons conjured up from reporting from hell holes like the Spanish Civil War, D-Day and “a couple of atomic explosions.”
One thing can be guaranteed when one group, culture, nation, civilisation or intelligent species tries to subjugate another: resistance from those who are pushed too far. Those who are on the receiving end will eventually strive to reclaim life, liberty, freedom and equality despite overwhelming and incomprehensible power that is directed against them. One of the most potent weapons with which they will have to fight back is the need to know one’s enemy and their weaknesses in order to defeat them, as well as the willingness to sacrifice one’s own life in the pursuit of freedom from tyranny and control-“one life in exchange for millions.”

In the film, Devil Girl From Mars, a plan is soon formulated to either capture Nyah or kill her, when suddenly Nyah returns to the inn. Carter shoots at her but without effect. Nyah declares, “I could control power beyond your wildest dreams.” She then orders everyone at the inn to go to her ship so that she can demonstrate the kind of power she possesses. A huge box-shaped robot emerges from the ship and fires a beam that destroys a tree, a car and storage shed. This is the one occasion when we see Nyah comes close to displaying an emotional response as a self-satisfied grin begins to crack her impervious unemotional demeanour.

After Nyah transfers herself in a blur to the 4th dimension, Carter comes up with a plan to rescue Tommy by offering to exchange himself for the boy. Nyah agrees to this and Tommy returns to the inn.
In the meantime, Hennessy becomes quite convinced that he can destroy the ship by finding a “vital spot at which one can strike,” but it would result in the death of whoever attempts it.

Back at the alien ship, Carter has managed to get possession of Nyah’s controller but is thwarted in this attempt by her robot. Nyah informs everyone at the inn that they are all now going to die because of Carter’s deception. Hennessy makes a desperate offer to be a guide for Nyah when she reaches London. After rejecting the offer, Nyah reconsiders the idea and declares that she will return later and choose someone….but……
The rest trapped within the inn under the dome are to be killed!
Is the end now drawing near?
What of the doomed ones as they contemplate what the future might have been now that it is all over?
What of Hennessy’s plan of destroying the ship? Just a pipe-dream?
Who will be chosen to accompany Nyah on her mission to harvest the best of London’s manhood?
How many more sacrifices will need to be made to save the world from the….

Points Of Interest

To bargain with Nyah is in fact like bargaining with the devil. When Tommy is taken by her, it is as if he is indeed in the hands of “that devil.” For Mrs Jamieson, Nyah’s presence and the grief she has visited on all of them is because they “must have sinned.”
Notice how Nyah emerges from her craft like Klaatu and Gort from The Day The Earth Stood Still. However, in Nyah’s case, her appearance is tinged with evil menace. For her there is no “IF” whenever objections are raised to her actions. As Tommy observes, “You are just like the black spider!” It is as if the character of Nyah has been plucked straight out of some horror comic or pulp fiction story and is portrayed in the film accordingly and well.

©Chris Christopoulos 2013
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